Graduated from the Academy of Music in Krakow (1980), piano class of Prof. Tadeusz Żmudziński.
Between 1981-1983 he studied in the master class of Prof. Paul Badura-Skoda in Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna. Within the framework of the master courses, he continued his education under the direction of eminent pianists such as: Regina Smendzianka /Weimar 1975,1979/, Valentina Kamenikova /Weimar 1977/, Alexander Jenner /Vienna 1981/, Guido Agosti /Siena 1982/, Tomas Vasary /Lenk 1982, 1983, Assisi 1988/, Germain Mounier /Paris 1983/, Vlado Perlemuter /Paris 1983/.
Laureate of the Polish Piano Festival in Slupsk (1981), of the International Competition “Fondation Cziffra” Senlis (1983), of the Competition of the European Broadcasting Bratislava ’85 (in the duo with the baritone Andrzej Dobber).
Holder of the Honorary Citizenship of the City of La Serena /Chile 1994/. Many times distinguished with the Prize of the Rector of the Academy of Music in Krakow.
His international artistic career commenced by a success at the “Szene der Jugend” Festival in Salzburg (1982). Since then, A. Pikul gave concerts in most of the European countries /Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine/ and in Brazil, Chile, Columbia, China, Japan and the USA.
He performed in prestigious concert halls and at national and international festivals.
Collaborated with prominent performers, conductors and orchestras.
Gave many premieres of compositions written in the 20th and 21st centuries. Several contemporary composers dedicated their works to him /among them, Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar – A.P.igram/.
In his portfolio, he has many recordings for the Polish Radio and Television, Österreichische Rundfunk und Fernsehen, Radio Suisse Romande, Radio Brasilia, and CDs.
The music CD “Dux 0320” (K. Szymanowski – 4th Symphony Concertante, A. Tansman – Suite for two pianos and orchestra) received honorable mention “CLASSIC TODAY”.
Conducted master courses for pianists in:
- Austria University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
- Brazil Universidade de Brasilia
- Chile Universitat de La Serena
- China Szanghaj Face Art, Xiamen Central Conservatory of Music
- Ningbo Foreig Affairs School
- France Paris CRR
- Spain Conservatorio de La Coruna, Alfaz del Pi
- Conservatorio de Las Palmas
- Japan Osaka College of Music, Kobe College i.inn
- Israel Haifa University
- Jerusalem University
- Tel Hai Masterclasses
- Germany Hochschule fur Musik Leipzig
- Hochschule fur Musik Karlsruhe
- Hochschule fur Musik Sttutgart
- Bayreuth Hochschule fur Musik
- Hochschule fur Musik Lubeck
- Portugal Coimbra World Piano Meeting
- Universidade de Aveiro
- Russia Konserwatorium im P. Czajkowskiego
- Rosyjska Akademia Muzyki im. Gnessinych
- England London
- Edinburgh
- Glasgow (Royal College of Music)
- Italy Conservatorio di Cosenza
Juror of many national and international piano competitions including:
- Agropoli/Salerno /1999/ XXII Concorso Internationale di Esecuzione Pianistica
- Andorra /1999/ V Concours de Piano “Premi Principiat d’Andorra”
- Barcelona /2001/ 47 Concours International Maria Canals
- Osaka /2003/ Osaka International Competition
- Barcelona /2004/ 50 Concours International Maria Canals
- Osaka /2004/ Osaka International Competition
- Barcelona /2005/ 51 Concours International Maria Canals
- Barcelona /2006/ 52 Concours International Maria Canals
- England /2007/ The Ruislip-Northwood Concerto Competition Harrow on the Hill
- Barcelona /2007/ 53 Concours International Maria Canals
- Hong Kong /2008/ The Fourth Chinese Works Piano Competition
- Barcelona /2008/ 54 Concours International Maria Canals
- Barcelona /2010/ 56 Concours International Maria Canals
- Barcelona /2012/ 58 Concours International Maria Canals
- Barcelona /2014/ 60 Concours International Maria Canals
- Ningbo /China /2014/ Narodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny
- Jaen /Spain/2015/ Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny
- Barcelona /2016/ 62 Concours International Maria Canals
- Krakow /2017/ International Piano Competition ‘Chopin at Wawel’
- Barcelona /2018/ 64 Concours International Maria Canals
- Hunan / China National F. Liszt Competition
Held important functions in the Academy of Music in Krakow:
- Deputy Dean of the Instrument Faculty (1993-1996)
- Dean of the Instrument Faculty (1996-1999)
- Vice Rector for international co-operation (1999-2002)
- Initiator and Artistic Director of the Summer Academy of Music in Krakow (since 1999)
- Initiator and Artistic Director of the Prince M.K. Oginski Festival Memorial in Iwonicz Zdroj (2008-2013)
- His students and graduates are laureates of national and international music competitions
- A. Pikul worked as Visiting Professor in Kobe College (Japan – 2002/2003)
- Currently professor at the Chair of Piano of the Academy of Music in Kraków
- He was given the sliver Cross of Merit (2005) and gold Cross of Merit (2016)
- Received Ray E. and Ruth A. Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007)
- Minister of National Education honor of it with Medal of the Committee of the National Education (2010)
- Andrzej Pikul and Marian Sobula have received award of Malopolska Voivodeship “Ars quaerendi” for prominent operations in favor of development and promotion in categories “Master and Student” (2008)
- Visiting Professor in Mainz / Germany (2011)
- He performed honorable function of the promoter-laudator in procedure for granting the dignity of doctor honoris causa Maestro Paul Badura-Skoda.